About me

I was born in 1997 and raised in Albaida, a small town in the Valencian mountainous inland. Albaida is known for its textile industry, its rich artistic and musical heritage, and its beautiful landscapes, characterised by the white soil rich in limestone that gives the town, the river, and the valley their name (al-Bayda, "the white" in Arabic).


I did my Bachelor's in Physics and my Master's in Astrophysics at the Universitat de València. I am currently a PhD Candidate at the Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica of the same university, where I work on the development of large cosmological simulations and analysis tools for them. My research mainly focuses on the assembly of galaxy clusters and the associated complex hydrodynamical processes of the intracluster medium. I am generally interested in anything related to numerics and hydrodynamics. Hence I have also worked on different scenarios, including cosmic voids, galaxy formation, or relativistic jets.

Besides astrophysics and hydrodynamics, galaxies and clusters, science and research, I am also interested in open source software, science communication and teaching. However, probably my biggest passion is classical music: I studied piano for 10 years as a teenager and keep playing it to this day. I am also very keen on music history, advanced music theory and analysis, music composition, historical keyboard instruments, and the maths and practice of piano tuning. Outside my office, the most likely place to find me is the concert hall!


When doing outreach, I am particularly interested in the intersection between science and society (it's important that we give back to society for giving us the opportunity to do science!). Science must be for everyone, regardless of gender, age, sex, race, economic class, religion, ethnicity, ability, language, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Unfortunately, explicit or implicit biases and prejudices are still present in academia and research (as in many other areas of society), and we must work together to eliminate them.

In this direction, I put my strongest focus on advocating for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, and I am actively involved in the promotion of diversity and inclusion in academia and research. While doing my Master's, I helped to found the association Espectre Visible at the Facultat de Física, which aims to provide visibility and support to LGBTQ+ people.