
Here you can find an (ideally, up-to-date) list of my accepted publications. Below, I provide a brief description of each paper. I am always happy to discuss any of them, so do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments!

For a more detailed list, including other text sources, bibliometric information, and preprints, be sure to check ADS and my Google Scholar profile.

You can also check out my PhD thesis (31 MB download) for a comprehensive overview of my research work from 2020 to 2024.

Accepted publications

(inverse chronological order)

  1. Learn more Turbulent pressure support in galaxy clusters – Impact of the hydrodynamical solver
    Frederick Groth, Milena Valentini, Ulrich P. Steinwandel, David Vallés-Pérez & Klaus Dolag. 2024.
    Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. arXiv.
  2. Learn more Density Fluctuations in the Intracluster Medium: An Attempt to Constrain Viscosity with Cosmological Simulations
    Tirso Marin-Gilabert, Ulrich P. Steinwandel, Milena Valentini, David Vallés-Pérez & Klaus Dolag. November 2024.
    Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), Volume 976-1, 67. doi.
  3. Learn more vortex-p: A Helmholtz-Hodge and Reynolds decomposition algorithm for particle-based simulations
    David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles, Vicent Quilis, Frederick Groth, Tirso Marín-Gilabert & Klaus Dolag. November 2024.
    Computer Physics Communications (CPC), Volume 304, 109305. doi.
  4. Learn more Cosmic accretion shocks as a tool to measure the dark matter mass of galaxy clusters
    David Vallés-Pérez, Vicent Quilis & Susana Planelles. July 2024.
    Nature Astronomy, 8, 1195-1204. doi
  5. Learn more The imprints of galaxy cluster internal dynamics on the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
    Óscar Monllor-Berbegal, David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles & Vicent Quilis. March 2024.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A), Volume 686, A243. doi.
  6. Learn more On the choice of the most suitable indicator for the assembly state of dark matter haloes through cosmic time
    David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles, Óscar Monllor-Berbegal & Vicent Quilis. March 2023.
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), Volume 519-4, 6111–6125. doi.
  7. Learn more The halo-finding problem revisited: a deep revision of the ASOHF code
    David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles & Vicent Quilis. August 2022.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A), Volume 664, A42. doi.
  8. Learn more Void Replenishment: How Voids Accrete Matter Over Cosmic History
    David Vallés-Pérez, Vicent Quilis & Susana Planelles. September 2021.
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL), Volume 920-1, L2, doi.
  9. Learn more Troubled cosmic flows: turbulence, enstrophy and helicity from the assembly history of the intracluster medium
    David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles & Vicent Quilis. June 2021.
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), Volume 504-1, 510-527. doi.
  10. Learn more Unravelling cosmic velocity flows: a Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition algorithm for cosmological simulations
    David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles & Vicent Quilis. June 2021.
    Computer Physics Communications (CPC), Volume 263, 107892. doi.
  11. Learn more On the Accretion History of Galaxy Clusters: temporal and spatial distribution
    David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles & Vicent Quilis. December 2020.
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), Volume 499-2, 2303-2318. doi.

~ Summary of publications ~

On the accretion history of galaxy clusters: temporal and spatial distribution

David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles & Vicent Quilis. December 2020.

In this work, we explored the accretion history of a small sample of galaxy clusters from a numerical simulation, aiming to examine different proxies for the accretion rate (including Γ200m computed from the full merger tree of haloes, α200m computed from the velocity profile, and the integrated mass flux through the virial boundary), as well as the impact of accretion on the internal properties of the cluster. Finally, the spatial distribution of mass accretion flows is estimated using a pseudo-Lagrangian approach on the Eulerian gas data of the simulation, and studied through multipolar analysis, revealing significant angular dependences in some thermodynamic properties such as the entropy of the accreted gas.

Accretion history

Unravelling cosmic velocity flows: a Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition algorithm for cosmological simulations

David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles & Vicent Quilis. June 2021.
Compressive velocity

We developed a computationally-efficient algorithm for performing the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition (HHD) on velocity fields defined on block-based AMR grids, addressing the complexity posed by non-uniform grids. The method reformulates the HHD as a set of elliptic PDEs, solved using FFT for the base grid and iterative solvers for the refinement patches. Implemented in Fortran and parallelised with OpenMP, the code, named vortex, was tested on both idealised and complex cases, achieving errors below 1 per-mil in ideal cases and around 1% in more complex tests. This approach provides an accurate and adaptable tool for HHD in various simulations. The code is publicly available.

Troubled cosmic flows: turbulence, enstrophy and helicity from the assembly history of the intracluster medium

David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles & Vicent Quilis. June 2021.

The connection between turbulence in the ICM and the assembly history of galaxy clusters was investigated. By extending the public code vortex to allow for a Reynolds (bulk+turbulent) decomposition prior to the HHD, we extracted global and local statistics of turbulent flows from the two most well-resolved clusters. The study found that second-order structure functions at fixed scales correlate with accretion rates and merger events. The evolution of enstrophy revealed that volume-filling solenoidal motions are first generated at shocks surrounding the cluster and enhanced by vortex stretching, despite challenges in describing and measuring turbulent quantities in AMR data.


Void Replenishment: How Voids Accrete Matter Over Cosmic History

David Vallés-Pérez, Vicent Quilis & Susana Planelles. September 2021.
Void replenishment

We investigated the nature of mass flows through the boundaries of cosmic voids to determine whether their velocity field is purely outflowing or more complex. Using a cosmological simulation tailored to describe voids and their surroundings, we extracted a sample of voids defined as large ellipsoids around expanding density minima. We then estimated gas mass fluxes through the void boundaries using a pseudo-Lagrangian approach. Surprisingly, we found that around 10% of the gas mass in voids at z = 0 has flowed in from denser regions, with some voids showing inflow fractions as high as 35%. Additionally, dark matter inflows persist within the inner regions of voids for extended periods. These findings suggest that, even in the largest voids, the velocity field is not purely outflowing. The presence of inflows, including gas from formerly denser areas, could significantly impact galaxy formation in underdense environments.

The halo-finding problem revisited: a deep revision of the ASOHF code

David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles & Vicent Quilis. August 2022.

We overhauled the spherical-overdensity halo finder ASOHF to improve its parallel performance and ability to handle large simulations, enhance substructure detection, and identify galaxies within DM haloes. The code now includes new features such as an updated definition of substructure, recentring schemes, galaxy identification, and a revamped merger tree procedure. Implemented in Fortran and parallelised with OpenMP, ASOHF was tested on ideal cases and compared to other halo finders, showing strong performance, particularly in substructure detection. The new, public version delivers improved halo, subhalo, and galaxy identification with reduced computational cost.


On the choice of the most suitable indicator for the assembly state of dark matter haloes through cosmic time

David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles, Óscar Monllor-Berbegal & Vicent Quilis. March 2023.
Assembly state

In this work, we critically examined how the assembly state of galaxies, groups and clusters (focusing on their DM haloes) can be best assessed at different redshifts. Using properties such as centre offset, virial ratio, mean radial velocity, sparsity, and ellipticity from a simulation, we studied how to combine these indicators to classify structures as relaxed, unrelaxed, or marginally relaxed, correlating them with merging and accretion activity. The classification was also validated against data from the CAMELS project, confirming that optimal thresholds and weights for these indicators vary strongly with redshift.

The imprints of galaxy cluster internal dynamics on the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect

Óscar Monllor-Berbegal, David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles & Vicent Quilis. March 2024.

We studied how the assembly of galaxy clusters, especially mergers and dynamical states, impacts the thermal and kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) signals. Using simulated clusters, we created SZ maps and found that while the integrated thermal SZ (tSZ) signal showed no strong dependence on dynamical state, its radial distribution did. The kinetic SZ (kSZ) signal, however, clearly segregated by dynamical state, with unrelaxed clusters showing higher normalisations across all masses. Mergers were identified as the main driver of this kSZ enhancement, and a harmonic analysis linked the dipolar kSZ component to angular momentum, but only in relaxed clusters. These results suggest that the kSZ signal can reveal key aspects of a cluster’s dynamical history.

SZ effect

Cosmic accretion shocks as a tool to measure the dark matter mass of galaxy clusters

David Vallés-Pérez, Vicent Quilis & Susana Planelles. July 2024.
Accretion shocks

We studied the location and intensity of the outermost accretion shocks of galaxy clusters, aiming to characterise scaling relations could be used to measure cluster mass. Using a sample of galaxy clusters and groups from a cosmological simulation, we applied a shock-finding algorithm based on temperature jumps to identify shocks and devised a heuristic approach to characterise the accretion shocks of clusters and groups. We found that the clusters in our sample lie on a plane in the three-dimensional space defined by cluster mass, shock radius, and Mach number. Based on this relation, we propose that future observations of shock radii and intensities could allow for an indirect measurement of the cluster mass, with an error margin of around 30 percent at the 1-sigma level. This method would provide a new, independent avenue to measuring cluster masses and, thus, to constrain the ΛCDM model.

vortex-p: A Helmholtz-Hodge and Reynolds decomposition algorithm for particle-based simulations

David Vallés-Pérez, Susana Planelles, Vicent Quilis, Frederick Groth, Tirso Marín-Gilabert & Klaus Dolag. November 2024.

We present vortex-p, an extended version of the vortex code, designed to perform Helmholtz-Hodge (compressive+solenoidal) and Reynolds (bulk+turbulent) decompositions on velocity fields from particle-based simulations, such as SPH, moving-mesh, or meshless methods. Unlike uniform grid simulations, these decompositions are more challenging for non-uniform data. The algorithm creates an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) grid to represent the velocity field, solving the HHD with elliptic solvers and using a multi-scale filter for the RD. After validating the code through idealised tests and verifying its scalability and parallelism, we apply it to SPH and MFM galaxy cluster simulations from OpenGadget3, showcasing some applications.


vortex-p, which is publicly available, has at the moment native support for OpenGADGET3 (unformatted) and Arepo (hdf5) inputs, and can be easily extended to other formats.

Density Fluctuations in the Intracluster Medium: An Attempt to Constrain Viscosity with Cosmological Simulations

Tirso Marin-Gilabert, Ulrich P. Steinwandel, Milena Valentini, David Vallés-Pérez & Klaus Dolag. November 2024.

In order to study the impact of viscosity in the ICM, we ran a set of cosmological, SPMHD simulations of three massive galaxy clusters with OpenGadget3, with varying values of physical viscosity (from none to Spitzer). We found that viscosity suppresses instabilities at small scales, leading to a more filamentary structure and a larger abundance of structure at small scales, as a result of reduced turbulent mixing. The conversion of kinetic to internal energy increases the virial temperature of the cluster by 5-10%, while denser regions remain cold. Density fluctuations increase with viscosity, as well as velocity fluctuations do, but the ratio of density to velocity fluctuations remains close to 1, consistent with observations.

Turbulent pressure support in galaxy clusters – Impact of the hydrodynamical solver

Frederick Groth, Milena Valentini, Ulrich P. Steinwandel, David Vallés-Pérez & Klaus Dolag. December 2024.

The contribution of turbulent motions to the pressure support in galaxy clusters is still debated, and may depend strongly on numerical methods and dynamical state of clusters. In this work, we aimed to study how the turbulent pressure fraction depends on dynamical state, the hydrodynamical scheme, and the analysis method used. For that aim we used non-radiative zoom-in simulations of seven galaxy clusters, run with SPH and MFM hydrodyanmical solvers within OpenGADGET3. The results show that (i) active clusters have higher turbulent pressure fractions regardless of the method for quantifying turbulence, (ii) turbulent motions are enhanced in MFM with respect to SPH, and (iii) there is a clear radial dependence (increasing from the center to the outskirts) when using the methods based on the velocity field, with the central fraction in the range (0-10)%, and no clear trends with redshift.
