Profile picture

David Vallés-Pérez

Curriculum vitae

Job history

Sept. 2024 – Present

Atracció de Talent postdoctoral fellowship

Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, Universitat de València (Spain)

Extension of the PhD individual fellowship

Jun. 2021 – Sept. 2024

Atracció de Talent predoctoral fellowship

Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, Universitat de València (Spain)

Competitive individual fellowship by Universitat de València for carrying out original research conducing to a PhD and for assisting in teaching duties

Nov. 2020 – Jun. 2021

Senior Research Technician

Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, Universitat de València (Spain)

Within the excellence PROMETEO project: Relativistic Astrophysics, Computational Cosmology and Gravitational Wave Astronomy


Nov. 2020 – Sept. 2024

PhD in Physics

Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, Universitat de València (Spain)

Thesis: "Unravelling the complexity of cosmic flows: strong gradients, shock waves and turbulence"

Supervisors: Prof. Susana Planelles & Prof. Vicent Quilis

Funded by Universitat de València through a competitive Atracció de Talent fellowship

Sept. 2019 – Jul. 2020

M. Sc. in Advanced Physics

Specialty in Astrophysics

Facultat de Física, Universitat de València (Spain)

Master's Thesis: "On the accretion history of galaxy clusters". Grade: 10/10

Average grade: 9.85/10. 4 out of 6 subjects graded with honours (top-5%)

Received the Extraordinary award to the academic performance (top-2%)

Sept. 2015 – Jul. 2019

B. Sc. in Physics

Facultat de Física, Universitat de València (Spain)

Average grade: 9.80/10. 34 out of 41 subjects graded with honours (top-5%)

Received the Extraordinary award to the academic performance (top-2%)

Grants and awards


Atracció de Talent PhD Fellowship

by Universitat de València

ACIF2021 PhD Fellowship

by Generalitat Valenciana


FPU2020 PhD Fellowship

by the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades


Scholarship for the promotion of academic excellence

by Generalitat Valenciana

2nd prize in the Jordi Porta i Jué award for the best Master's Thesis in Physics

by the Societat Catalana de Física


Extraordinary award to the academic performance

in the Master's degree in Advanced Physics (top-2%)

1st prize in the Xavier Gómez i Font prize

for the linguistic quality of Master's Theses


Research initiation grant

by the Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, Universitat de València

Extraordinary award to the academic performance

in the Bachelor's degree in Physics (top-2%)

2nd prize in the Xavier Gómez i Font prize

for the linguistic quality of Bachelor's Theses


Collaboration grant

by the Spanish Ministry of Education

Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, Universitat de València (Spain)

Science outputs


Author of 9 peer-reviewed Q1 papers (8 as a first author)

Including 1 Nature Astronomy, 1 ApJL and 2 CPC

h-index: 6, i-10 index: 2

See more in the publications page


6 contributed talks to international conferences

2 contributed posters to international conferences

5 invited seminars at different research institutions


Main developer of 3 public codes for the analysis of cosmological/hydrodynamical simulations

Contributor to the development of the AMR code MASCLET (privative) and main developer of its Python framework

Internships and visits

May - July 2023

Research visit at Universitäts Sternwarte München

Development of the vortex-p code. Supervisor: Klaus Dolag

May - July 2022

Research visit at Università di Bologna

Analysis of MHD simulations of galaxy clusters. Supervisor: Franco Vazza

June - Sept. 2019

Internship at the Astronomical Observatory of Aras de los Olmos

Calibration of scientific instruments. Assistance to observations.

Teaching and supervision

Supervision of students

1 Master's student

Master's Thesis of Isac Barranco (2024)

Topic: "Is hydrostatic equilibrium a reliable description of galaxy clusters?"

Co-supervision of his Introduction to research scholarship

2 Bachelor's student

Bachelor's Thesis of Marc Cuenca (2024)

Topic: "Tracking dark matter haloes in cosmological simulations: the hierarchical paradigm and halo fusions"

Bachelor's Thesis of Isac Barranco (2023)

Topic: "Identification of dark matter haloes in high-resolution cosmological simulations"


Teaching assistant

Course: Classical Mechanics I in the Double Degree in Physics and Mathematics (Spring 2022, Spring 2023) and the Bachelor's Degree in Physics (Fall 2023)

Course: General Physics I in the Bachelor's Degree in Physics (Fall 2021, Fall 2022)

Tasks: Supervision of practical sessions, lectures on problem resolution, grading of assignments and exams

Organisation, management and representation

Organisation of meetings

Organizing Committee of the 1st FOGLESS Coordinated Project Meeting

(held in València, 6th-7th February 2024)

Organisation of seminars

Organisation seminars among PhD students

PhD Programme in Physics, Universitat de València (Spain)

November 2020 – January 2024

Organisation of weekly "Journal Club" seminars

Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, Universitat de València (Spain)

October 2020 – January 2024


Representative of Early Stage Researchers (PIF) in Department Council

Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica, Universitat de València

Nov. 2023 – Present (by election)

Representative of Early Stage Researchers (PIF) in Faculty Board

Facultat de Física, Universitat de València (Spain)

Dec. 2022 – Present (by election)


Talks in high schools

  • Over 5 invited talks in high schools to promote scientific vocations among teenagers
  • Talks in outreach events

  • Regular invited participation in the international Escola d'Estiu Erasmus en Física in València
  • Activities for sensibilisation

  • Invited participation in round tables: careers in science, LGTBQ+ diversity in science
  • Received Grant for organizing socio-cultural activities on diversity issues. GVA and UV’s diversitats program. Project: “Espectre Visible” contest for artistic production to raise awareness of affective-sexual and gender diversity in scientific fields. Funding amount: €1000.